
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sonal Chauhan - Rainbow (A+)

Looks like Tollywood has found a new leading lady and what a fashionable one she is! I mean she looks like a star already!

The dress is veryy trendy and showcases her thin figure effectively. The big sized earrings contrast her outfit very well and are to-die for.

I'm happy that she has chosen her shoes beautifully. Usually, even while wearing a fab dress gals go wrong with the footwear. But, here they are perfect for her outfit.

The only complaint I have is with her bracelet. The make and color do not go with the rest of the outfit at all. If she could chuck that she would end up looking flawless.

It's evident that while she may be a novice to the film scene, she's an expert in the fashion department.

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