
Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Nitin (B+)


After seeing the recent stomach-hurling looks of other stars, Nitin's style certainly comes as a pleasant surprise.

The chocolate brown colored jacket is fab ( chocolate brown for the chocolate ). The shirt, although not very partyish, does complement the jacket well. The belt also seems well in place.

But the jeans definitely need some re-thinking.

Ah Well! We shall mercifully ignore that for the decent attempt made by Nitin works on the whole. He does look really sweet and simple doesn't he ?

P.S :- Good news gals. Seems like even after acquiring six-pack abs he still retains his sweet innocent charm. Well, looks like he's got the whole package ;)


Anu said...

omg i LOVE your blog. i love bollywood style and fashion (well i love to critique it) but somethimes they skip over the south indian stars. :)

SuRi said...

huhh .. finally nitin .. one of ma fav heroes.. yea hez lukin fab here.. but he doesnt luk dat gud in the pics whr he shows his six-pack body ... nywayz.. hez rocking here..

Tollywood Fashion Police said...

Hey Anu!

Thanks for your compliments. Yes, I saw that our South stars need a platform to showcase their blunders and tada! :) Im glad you liked my blog.

By the way I checked out your blog too. Good going gal! I like that you are doing with makeup what I'm doing with fashion.

Here's hoping for many wonderful exchange of ideas between us!