
Monday, August 04, 2008

Santosham Awards 2008

The Santosham awards, 2008 were held on 2 August at Novotel, Hyderabad. Must say, this year was a far cry from the grand celebration at Dubai last year. Wonder, what made it scale lower. Well, we know one thing that surely put it down a few notches - star presence. Just a few stars randomly thrown together to make the otherwise dark canvas seem even more empty. Guys, this is not fair! How will we savour your fashion sense (or non sense :P) unless you come out in the

Anyway, here are the few present celebrities and their fashion blunders! ;-)

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Hansika Motwani - Santosham Awards 2008 (D+)

I would hate to think what would happen to Hansika's outfit if a strong wind blew past by. Getting any mental images?

First let me say I love, love, love the well-defined sweetheart neckline with black and hot pink border (let's just chuck out the white shall we?). Rest all is pure amateur and unskilled work. First of all, the flares do not go with the material of the dress and second of all, they are not done properly. The white detail on top of the flares just maximize those faults to the hilt.

The good thing is that her hair looks really pretty. I am on the fence about the makeup. While in some pics it looks over-the-top and Cruella DeVille-ish, in others she looks quite ok. Her earrings are alright but the weird, twisted bracelet has to go.

One thing I don't understand is her affection towards Mary Jane shoes. Out of the 4 times that she has been seen on our list of Fashion Suspects till now (including this one), she has been in Mary Janes 3 times. Is it that she loves them too much and fails to realise that they don't go with everything or just that she doesn't own anything else? Well, whatever the reason, here she has worn the same pair again. Yes, I accept I thought they were cute, but frankly, now they are just getting on my nerves.

This dress would be so much better if it were just a black gown with a hot pink neckline. Hmm... I think I can safely say that she has ruined the femininity and elegance of a sweetheart neckline very sweetly.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Ileana - Santosham Awards 2008 (C+)


That is just how I feel about this outfit. Too simple, too plain and too boringgg!

It's an OK dress, but the waist down part seems a tad too puffed up (maybe dats coz of Ileana's huge hips!). I like her shoes. They cause a nice distraction in this bland outfit.

This look is badly in need of some zing, something to focus on, as i have to struggle to keep my eyes on it for longer than 30 seconds. Maybe, a nice belt would have helped?

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Bhumika - Santosham Awards 2008 (D-)

(Imagine an excited ad voiceover) "She's back! In her very own original avatar, to gag you to death, to make you nauseous, to cause instant repulsion! Bhumika Chawla has done it again!"

The last time, I thought she was finally beginning to see sense and hop onto the right track.But alas! Seems like it was a fluke of sorts coz this time she returned fuglier!

Why, and I mean why would anyone wear this hideous green, zari bordered second rate churidaar to an awards function? I personally wouldn't even wear it to buy groceries. To top it off she adds a huge chunky piece of jewelery, which I must say clashes horribly with the high-collared kurta.

The chappals she has worn here are the same ones from the Wellness jewelery function (remember the one time she actually got it right?). Anyway, a repetition offence is very, very minor one to the other crimes she has committed here.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Venkatesh - Santosham Awards 2008 (D-)

Venky, Venky, oh Venky! Do you need a daily reminder that you are in your late forties and not in teens?

Looking at this pic I feel as if I am looking at a time capsule. A picture of stunted youth. A picture of a grown man's desperation. Or to put it straight in our words, a picture full of fugly shit!

It just pains me to look at his jeans. But, his shirt and jacket are the heights. I mean, a printed shirt with a printed jacket whose zipper has threads hanging like an ugly blotch for everyone to see? I don't think so. He seems to be taking a cue from Bhumika, but substituted the gold bangle for a big, fat, ugly gold chain. At least the shoes are a saving grace.

Honey, if you wanna flaunt your wealth, then swipe out that credit card and buy some decent clothes instead of gold dog chains. Also, I would strongly suggest you to take a look in the mirror at that receding hairline before stepping into that clothes store.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

100th one! Yeah!!!

The 100th post! Wow!!!

When I started out, I hardly thought I would reach even 10 posts. And now 100! Of course, it isn't such a big number, but personally, it sure is a milestone for me. I would never have had the enthusiasm to continue after my first few posts if it weren't for the fabulous response you people have given me. I really thank you for the generous feeback, comments, tips and encouragement. I must especially mention my favorite fashionista 'Bollywood Blogger' for continuously inspiring me. Also, all the readers who have sent me pics to review, especially Siddarth Reddy aka 'ksr' - thank you for the wonderful material. More fresh meat to gnaw at! I couldn't be Anyway, I guess all I wanna say is THANK YOU for your wonderful support and please keep it coming (whether in the form of appreciation or criticism) coz that's what keeps me going.

Is it just me or did I sound like a Bollywood tartlet cum starlet accepting her first worthless award?

Ahh...whatever...sod it! 100th post....weeeee!!!!!

Buzz you again at the (wink wink) :-)

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Anushka (A+)

After a few average attempts, Anushka has finally hit the bull's eye. She is seen here at Baladoor (her new movie with Ravi Teja) audio release. She is looking radiant, fresh and very pretty.

Anushka has chosen a beautiful Anarkali dress with a white and peach color combo. The white makes her look serene, while the peach adds a feminine glow. I like the pattern on her bosom. It is light and yet full enough to keep the dress happening. Even her jhumkas (earrings) are good.

I must say, so far, this is the best choice of Anarkali and one of the better choices of Indian wear on our list of Fashion Suspects. Sneha, as you are soo obsessed with Anarkali style that you want to almost bring her back to life, you could do well by taking a leaf outta Anushka's book.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Trisha (C+) - Reader Files

Trisha always does this. One minute she's on the right track, and the next minute she's hopping clumsily.

Although I like her cute strapless yellow dress, she has made a horrible error of judgment by placing them with jeans. Had it been just a dress, it would be quite adorable. But, this is painfully hideous as the length of the dress does not allow it to go with the jeans. Her flowery bracelet thing is also making me nauseous.

Her clutch on the other hand is very innovative. Yellow dress and mustard clutch? I wasn't sure in the beginning, but gradually I'm starting to like it. It is an unconventional choice as usually this clutch is combined with black or other dark colored dresses. But, it is indeed a fresh approach and would have been wonderful if she had just chucked the jeans.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Sneha (C-) - Reader Files

Coy gal Sneha has again fished out something from her fugly collection of aunty-type salwar suits. At least, this one is comparatively, and I insist comparatively better than the last few.

The white dress is alrite. Actually that's a stretch, but whatever. Her pearl-type bracelet is fugly, of course. But the thing that caught my attention was her face. Looks like someone has had one two many burgers. If any of you are Sex and the City series fans you would remember a particular episode where one of the lead characters, Samantha has a cosmetic surgery done. Well, for those of you who aren't, let me walk you through it. Samantha has this procedure done wherein the doctor asks her to pump in lots of fatty foods so that later, they can remove the fat from her ass and place it on her face to make her lose some wrinkles and appear fresh. Yes, you read it right, ass to face!

When I first saw this pic, Sneha reminded me of just :)

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Simran (D-) - Reader Files

As I always wonder and ponder, why do married actresses behave and dress like the Mother Teressa's of our time? Do they get amnesia or is it just laziness? Or are we supposed to believe that with all their millions, they couldn't hire help and therefore, have to do all the cooking, cleaning...etc. etc. themselves. And hence, the no-makeup, I-just-woke-up, I'm married-I'm serious with life and looking-like-something-out-of-the-trash look? Hmmph! What a pile of bollocks! (I have been reading a British novel presently, hence, the expression and excessive use of the word 'hence'

Anyway, coming to our point, I need exactly four words to describe her - You look like shit. I know you have a baby now and it must be too hard and stressful to dress yourself up and blah blah blah...just a word of advice, first thing tomorrow hire a stylist and buy a makeup case or wait till your kid has joined college, to attend public events. Coz, maybe then you would deign to dress up.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Sona (D-) - Reader Files

Nice dress. Ugly, makeup. Ugly fugly neck thing.

Sona has surprised many (and by that I mean myself a hundred times, by opting for this decent dark purple dress. It is not eye-catching, but at least classier when compared to her last one. But, she ruins it all by her over-the-top makeup and ...well... I dunno what to call the thing she has around her neck. For the purpose of this article, lets just call it the fugly neck thing.

So anyway, she seems to be very attached to her name. Hence, the sona (gold) that keeps popping up in her look. Here the glittery,goldy fugly neck thing has effectively ruined the look, but the wonder is I'm not sure as to what it is! It is not a necklace and definitely cannot be attached to the dress (oh, the horror!). So, what in god's name is it?

Maybe you guys could help me out?

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Neetu Chandra ( D-) - Reader Files

Hey, that mannequin looks just like Neetu Chandra doesn't it? What, it is actually her? You don't say!

This figure hugging off shoulder dress was already cheap looking without the glittery silver design. I like her bracelet though, and wish she hadn't wasted it on this joke of a dress. But the thing that really get me are her makeup and hairstyle. It looks like a wig has been attached to her head.

Well, in the future if anyone wants to look like a wax model, you know where to head for instructions!

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Kajal (A+)

Kajal hits it out of the park. Her style and look is impeccable. I'm so happy and relieved to see that some fashion sense is still prevailing among our stars.

At first look it seems like she has worn a pencil skirt with a formal shirt. But, then you realise it is actually a dress and what a stylish one it is! The cut and design are very trendy and she seems to carry it off well.

Kajal adds to the look by her simplistic accessories and great choice of footwear. All in all, a 10 on 10.

Lets hope such efforts continue.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Bhumika (A-)

Wonder of wonders!!! Rejoice everyone! It has happened! The day has finally come! Bhumika got an A! I am ecstatic beyond words, and you will know why if you have seen her past record.

Beautiful, beautiful,, beautiful saree. Great choice! I love the design, and the work is exquisite. The color combination is very subtle and very gorgeous. I'm happy with her style of draping it, as it makes a huge difference to the look. I even like the cut of her blouse. The accessories are non-existent (again due to the launch), but that's absolutely fine since the saree is allowed to stand out.

The only thing that stopped me from giving her an A+ was her makeup. What is with the excessive use? It seems to be the theme of the launch. First Charmee, now Bhumika. Anyway... we can totally overlook that minor flaw and I can't tell you how happy and relieved I am that she didn't wear her trademark gold bangle! :)

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Anushka (C+)

Anushka is seen here walking the ramp at the Wellness jewellery launch by Bhumika Chawla and her husband Bharat Thakur. The whole concept of Wellness jewellery is that the gems have some sort of magnetic energy which relieves stress. Well, the price range of the jewellery will be the first thing to cause you a stress at $300-$8000. Hmm...I'd rather go to the spa...anyway coming to our point...

The saree design is good, but the color doesn't allow it to showcase effectively. The blouse.adds some much needed zing to the outfit.
This is a very good example of how an average looking saree can be made gorgeous by the style of draping it. Here, Anushka's curves are showcased to the maximum extent. The accessories are non-existent which is understandable since she is showcasing the jewellery (yes, that little pendant you see on her neck is the magical gem).

But, why on earth is she wearing dark green chappals with a sky blue saree???

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Venkatesh and Gopichand (D-)

Here are the uncles..sorry I mean heroes of our industry. While we are aware of that fact, they seem to be in their own wonderland. It seems they don't grasp the importance and responsibility of being a celebrity. The importance being to showcase new styles and trends and the responsibility of protecting us from such fugliness!

Looks like Venkatesh came to a badly dressed fancy dress competition. Gray pants with gray suede shoes?? Also, did you notice the pierced ear? Eww... And what's with the shirt? Reminds me of Mamata Mohandas's top at MAA awards. Fugly then, and fuglier now.

Gopichand, although young, is hell bent on not looking like one. Boring shirt, boring pants, boring shoes. I wonder, did he think he was going to the office or to a function?

These male stars are so deep into the fugly dressing, that they need a brain transplant to come out of it.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Charmee (C-)

Here is Charmee, yet again in a saree. I wonder if she tied up with some saree company to market their products, I mean she never wears anything else!!! I'm sooo bored of her same look, but you gotta do what you gotta do. So here goes...

I like the black with gold border idea, but the design is way too blingy blangy and gives a very, very cheap look to the saree. Her accessories are thankfully minimal, but all the same, downright fugly. Why is it so hard to find a nice pair of earrings?

Her makeup meeds a special mention. Looks like she caused a drought in the market by her excessive use!

All in all, a lame and boring attempt by Charmee...yawn!

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Devi Sri Prasad (D+)

Here is a pic of Devi Sri Prasad at his USA concert, sent to me by one of our readers 'Ksr'. I wonder, since when did music directors become the rock stars of our age? It's really sad indeed, and made even sadder by his choice of wardrobe.

Dahling, if you are hell bent on being a rock star, at least dress like one. What he has worn here is a fugly attempt at blending casual with punk. Had he stuck to one, he could have been bearable. The white shirt and jeans are a casual attire while the punky look is brought by the tattoo arm warmer. These arm warmers are a rage amongst most guys nowadays. When worn with the correct look, they can look pretty cool. But, of course one also needs the physique or personality to carry it off. While that is that, his shoes are the most out-of-place item, not casual and definitely not rock star.

We seriously need more stylists in our industry to cope up with such fugliness!

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Smita (D-)

Smita, the Telugu pop star (and the lone one I might add) launched her new album a couple of days ago in Hyderabad. Now, when you are the center of attention at a party, what do you wear? For future reference, definitely not this!!!

The color of the dress clashes with her skin and the dress comes off as very cheap. I must say I have never seen anyone wear a silver belt with a leopard print sash/scarf attached and then match that to the shoes by wearing leopard print stilettos. It sounds very unique, innovative and FUGLY!

I mean for God sakes you are a pop star launching you new album! Have some sense (common, fashion...anything). I have posted the picture of her album cover. It looks quite nice doesn't it? I wish she had chosen the same stylist for the launch also and we would have been spared this fugly sight!

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Varun Sandesh (D-)

Here is the lovable Chandu from Happy Days at the press meet of his new movie 'Kotha Bangaru Lokam'. Unfortunately there is nothing lovable about his look.

I know pink is hot for guys and makes them look very metrosexual. But that doesn't mean you can throw on any random piece of clothing and expect to look hot. His jeans are very fugly and cheap looking. Also, where on earth did you find those shoes? The trash can, perhaps? His messy hair, unclean face, out-of-place style is really frustrating, as he certainly has the potential to look good.

Keeping him company is the female lead of the movie Shweta Prasad (yes, the same chid star of K serials fame). She looks like a bloated, badly dressed with cheap looking shoes version of a small town girl.

Both of them look very aged, and to think they are playing +2 students in the movie! Let's hope their fugliness doesn't extend to the big screen.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.