
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Charmee (C-)

Here is Charmee, yet again in a saree. I wonder if she tied up with some saree company to market their products, I mean she never wears anything else!!! I'm sooo bored of her same look, but you gotta do what you gotta do. So here goes...

I like the black with gold border idea, but the design is way too blingy blangy and gives a very, very cheap look to the saree. Her accessories are thankfully minimal, but all the same, downright fugly. Why is it so hard to find a nice pair of earrings?

Her makeup meeds a special mention. Looks like she caused a drought in the market by her excessive use!

All in all, a lame and boring attempt by Charmee...yawn!

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.


Anonymous said...

I love the color of the saree, but I don't like the fit.

I wish I can see her in western clothing.

Tollywood Fashion Police said...

Absolutely, I am just sick of her and her sarees! Give us a break Charmee!

Unknown said...

i found a very good site