
Saturday, August 02, 2008

100th one! Yeah!!!

The 100th post! Wow!!!

When I started out, I hardly thought I would reach even 10 posts. And now 100! Of course, it isn't such a big number, but personally, it sure is a milestone for me. I would never have had the enthusiasm to continue after my first few posts if it weren't for the fabulous response you people have given me. I really thank you for the generous feeback, comments, tips and encouragement. I must especially mention my favorite fashionista 'Bollywood Blogger' for continuously inspiring me. Also, all the readers who have sent me pics to review, especially Siddarth Reddy aka 'ksr' - thank you for the wonderful material. More fresh meat to gnaw at! I couldn't be Anyway, I guess all I wanna say is THANK YOU for your wonderful support and please keep it coming (whether in the form of appreciation or criticism) coz that's what keeps me going.

Is it just me or did I sound like a Bollywood tartlet cum starlet accepting her first worthless award?

Ahh...whatever...sod it! 100th post....weeeee!!!!!

Buzz you again at the (wink wink) :-)

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.


Anonymous said...

bravo!!.. :p.. celebs beware!..a cop is on the prowl!

Anonymous said...


CONGRATS on achieving this milestone. And surely looking forward to many a milestone in the future. I hope, with a cop like you around, it is only a matter of time that Southern Stars get their act together and start competing with their more fashionable counterparts elsewhere.


Bollywoodblogger said...

Awww, thanks so much TFP! And keep up the great work. By the way, have you started writing for that other website that approached you?

Anonymous said...

Hey Congrats

Tollywood Fashion Police said...


Thank you all for the warm wishes. Yes, a cop is indeed on the prowl now and hope these celebrities will buck up (though not too much, else where will we have all this fun?

And Bollywood, yes I have started writing for that website. I am still learning how to work the ropes as I'm faced with a much larger and bigger arena (also as working outside of comfort zome namely South Indian cinema). As soon as I am more confident of my performance and quality, you will be the first person to know :-)