
Monday, August 04, 2008

Venkatesh - Santosham Awards 2008 (D-)

Venky, Venky, oh Venky! Do you need a daily reminder that you are in your late forties and not in teens?

Looking at this pic I feel as if I am looking at a time capsule. A picture of stunted youth. A picture of a grown man's desperation. Or to put it straight in our words, a picture full of fugly shit!

It just pains me to look at his jeans. But, his shirt and jacket are the heights. I mean, a printed shirt with a printed jacket whose zipper has threads hanging like an ugly blotch for everyone to see? I don't think so. He seems to be taking a cue from Bhumika, but substituted the gold bangle for a big, fat, ugly gold chain. At least the shoes are a saving grace.

Honey, if you wanna flaunt your wealth, then swipe out that credit card and buy some decent clothes instead of gold dog chains. Also, I would strongly suggest you to take a look in the mirror at that receding hairline before stepping into that clothes store.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.


Anonymous said...

Those damn jeans....the crappy print work is an eyesore too....hey,we've had enough.How about Venky spending a day or two at your station? We can arrange for the arrest warrant,no problem.

Tollywood Fashion Police said...

Absolutely sid! Would love to do that. At least we'll save the people from witnessing such ;-)

SuRi said...

@sid .. yea.. dat wud be a gud choice .. ;-)

Unknown said...

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