
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Priyamani - South Filmfare Awards 2008 (D+)

What the...! Am I dreaming? I must be...wait let me check. (Pinch myself hard). Ouch! Nope am not.Then, this is true. Priyamani has finally worn a dress which doesnt make me wanna hit her. Yea!

I'm not saying this is a great dress. Infact, it hardly qualifies as ok.

Usually one cannot go wrong with the little black dress, but since this is our beloved Priyamani such facts don't apply to her. It is clear even from here that the material of the dress is cheap. On top of it the spiral design on it is downright fugly. I especially loathe the black buckle sorta thing on her bosom. As usual, her accessories are downright fugly and mis-matched. Her makeup is totally over the top (too much of blush!).

Then why did I give her a D+ instead of her usual D- you ask, well, once you look at her past record, you will know why.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

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