
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Neetu Chandra ( D-) - Reader Files

Hey, that mannequin looks just like Neetu Chandra doesn't it? What, it is actually her? You don't say!

This figure hugging off shoulder dress was already cheap looking without the glittery silver design. I like her bracelet though, and wish she hadn't wasted it on this joke of a dress. But the thing that really get me are her makeup and hairstyle. It looks like a wig has been attached to her head.

Well, in the future if anyone wants to look like a wax model, you know where to head for instructions!

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Kajal (A+)

Kajal hits it out of the park. Her style and look is impeccable. I'm so happy and relieved to see that some fashion sense is still prevailing among our stars.

At first look it seems like she has worn a pencil skirt with a formal shirt. But, then you realise it is actually a dress and what a stylish one it is! The cut and design are very trendy and she seems to carry it off well.

Kajal adds to the look by her simplistic accessories and great choice of footwear. All in all, a 10 on 10.

Lets hope such efforts continue.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Bhumika (A-)

Wonder of wonders!!! Rejoice everyone! It has happened! The day has finally come! Bhumika got an A! I am ecstatic beyond words, and you will know why if you have seen her past record.

Beautiful, beautiful,, beautiful saree. Great choice! I love the design, and the work is exquisite. The color combination is very subtle and very gorgeous. I'm happy with her style of draping it, as it makes a huge difference to the look. I even like the cut of her blouse. The accessories are non-existent (again due to the launch), but that's absolutely fine since the saree is allowed to stand out.

The only thing that stopped me from giving her an A+ was her makeup. What is with the excessive use? It seems to be the theme of the launch. First Charmee, now Bhumika. Anyway... we can totally overlook that minor flaw and I can't tell you how happy and relieved I am that she didn't wear her trademark gold bangle! :)

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Anushka (C+)

Anushka is seen here walking the ramp at the Wellness jewellery launch by Bhumika Chawla and her husband Bharat Thakur. The whole concept of Wellness jewellery is that the gems have some sort of magnetic energy which relieves stress. Well, the price range of the jewellery will be the first thing to cause you a stress at $300-$8000. Hmm...I'd rather go to the spa...anyway coming to our point...

The saree design is good, but the color doesn't allow it to showcase effectively. The blouse.adds some much needed zing to the outfit.
This is a very good example of how an average looking saree can be made gorgeous by the style of draping it. Here, Anushka's curves are showcased to the maximum extent. The accessories are non-existent which is understandable since she is showcasing the jewellery (yes, that little pendant you see on her neck is the magical gem).

But, why on earth is she wearing dark green chappals with a sky blue saree???

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Venkatesh and Gopichand (D-)

Here are the uncles..sorry I mean heroes of our industry. While we are aware of that fact, they seem to be in their own wonderland. It seems they don't grasp the importance and responsibility of being a celebrity. The importance being to showcase new styles and trends and the responsibility of protecting us from such fugliness!

Looks like Venkatesh came to a badly dressed fancy dress competition. Gray pants with gray suede shoes?? Also, did you notice the pierced ear? Eww... And what's with the shirt? Reminds me of Mamata Mohandas's top at MAA awards. Fugly then, and fuglier now.

Gopichand, although young, is hell bent on not looking like one. Boring shirt, boring pants, boring shoes. I wonder, did he think he was going to the office or to a function?

These male stars are so deep into the fugly dressing, that they need a brain transplant to come out of it.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Charmee (C-)

Here is Charmee, yet again in a saree. I wonder if she tied up with some saree company to market their products, I mean she never wears anything else!!! I'm sooo bored of her same look, but you gotta do what you gotta do. So here goes...

I like the black with gold border idea, but the design is way too blingy blangy and gives a very, very cheap look to the saree. Her accessories are thankfully minimal, but all the same, downright fugly. Why is it so hard to find a nice pair of earrings?

Her makeup meeds a special mention. Looks like she caused a drought in the market by her excessive use!

All in all, a lame and boring attempt by Charmee...yawn!

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Devi Sri Prasad (D+)

Here is a pic of Devi Sri Prasad at his USA concert, sent to me by one of our readers 'Ksr'. I wonder, since when did music directors become the rock stars of our age? It's really sad indeed, and made even sadder by his choice of wardrobe.

Dahling, if you are hell bent on being a rock star, at least dress like one. What he has worn here is a fugly attempt at blending casual with punk. Had he stuck to one, he could have been bearable. The white shirt and jeans are a casual attire while the punky look is brought by the tattoo arm warmer. These arm warmers are a rage amongst most guys nowadays. When worn with the correct look, they can look pretty cool. But, of course one also needs the physique or personality to carry it off. While that is that, his shoes are the most out-of-place item, not casual and definitely not rock star.

We seriously need more stylists in our industry to cope up with such fugliness!

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Smita (D-)

Smita, the Telugu pop star (and the lone one I might add) launched her new album a couple of days ago in Hyderabad. Now, when you are the center of attention at a party, what do you wear? For future reference, definitely not this!!!

The color of the dress clashes with her skin and the dress comes off as very cheap. I must say I have never seen anyone wear a silver belt with a leopard print sash/scarf attached and then match that to the shoes by wearing leopard print stilettos. It sounds very unique, innovative and FUGLY!

I mean for God sakes you are a pop star launching you new album! Have some sense (common, fashion...anything). I have posted the picture of her album cover. It looks quite nice doesn't it? I wish she had chosen the same stylist for the launch also and we would have been spared this fugly sight!

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Varun Sandesh (D-)

Here is the lovable Chandu from Happy Days at the press meet of his new movie 'Kotha Bangaru Lokam'. Unfortunately there is nothing lovable about his look.

I know pink is hot for guys and makes them look very metrosexual. But that doesn't mean you can throw on any random piece of clothing and expect to look hot. His jeans are very fugly and cheap looking. Also, where on earth did you find those shoes? The trash can, perhaps? His messy hair, unclean face, out-of-place style is really frustrating, as he certainly has the potential to look good.

Keeping him company is the female lead of the movie Shweta Prasad (yes, the same chid star of K serials fame). She looks like a bloated, badly dressed with cheap looking shoes version of a small town girl.

Both of them look very aged, and to think they are playing +2 students in the movie! Let's hope their fugliness doesn't extend to the big screen.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Hansika (C+)

Yes! Finally she has achieved it! She has worn a dress appropriate to her age. Thank God!

Now, honey, next you gotta learn how to coordinate your look. The color of the dress looks fantastic against her skin. The design and cut of the dress is also very good, I especially love the little flower which adds a lot of feminine touch to the look. All the three colors in the dress have been effectively used without making it over-the-top. So, kudos to the designer.

But, alas, Hansika ruined all the efforts of the designer with her accesories. The shoes are great, but individually. Here, they just don't match. I wonder what is with her and Mary Janes. Anyway, the thing that really ruins the look is actually the bag. It looks monstrous and highly cheap.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Shriya (D-)

These days Shriya sure is making many public appearances. But seems she still hasn't grasped the importance of style in order to make an impact.

I have never seen her look so downright bimbo-ish and cheap. I mean c'mon honey, you don't need to flaunt your assets in everybody's face to be popular! There is a classy way to be sexy and that can never be achieved as long as you continue on the same horrible color palette. Also, haven't we had enough of your jeweled bust line dresses? We told you last time, they are never going to work, so please, chuck them all out.

Although I like her earrings, her shoes are a horror story. They complete this fugly look perfectly.

Compared to her disastrous attempt, I love the other girl's style. The empire-waist dress and the color combination is to die for. Even her accessories match perfectly (although I wish her clutch was a tad smaller). Still, it is a million times better than what Shriya wore.

I wonder when and where did she lose all her fashion sense!

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Gopika Wedding (D-)

It was actress Gopika's wedding last week and she was seen in this gown on the big day. Now, wouldn't you think that a girl (an actress no less!) would take all the care in the world to ensure her style is perfect on the magical day?

Her wedding gown is hideously hideous to say the least. There are a million beautiful gowns out there and she had to choose this fugly one! I understand she wanted to look modest and decent, but this is totally inexcusable.

Check out these gowns. They are modest, stylish and very beautiful. I admit I was soo confused as to which gown to post here coz I found so many gorgeous ones out there! So I chose the best three.

Now don't they seem like something you should wear on your special day rather than that fugly thing?

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Shriya (B-)

Plain in Plaid. Now, thats unusual.

Usually,the Scottish attire can hardly be termed as plain, but sadly that is just what Shriya is looking here. There is nothing essentially wrong with this dress, but still it doesn't quite click. I'm thinking it's the same patterned belt. Had it been a solid big black belt, it would have added some definition to the look and provide the much needed contrast.

Also, her shoes are downright hideous! The bulky straps don't go with the look at all! But I must say, this is a huge improvement from last time. At least she's tried something different this time.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

South Filmfare Awards 2008 (Phew!!!)

Phew!!! The usually quiet South film industry has been quite busy. 17 posts in one day! Being a fashion gatekeeper surely isn't easy. My body now calls for a hot cup of coffee and a good night's :)

You guys catch all the reviews and let me know who do you think dressed the best and worst at the South Filmfare Awards, 2008.

Good Day! :)

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Trisha - South Filmfare Awards 2008 ( A+)

Looks like Trisha has a particular fondness for off-shoulder mermaid gowns. Remember last time?

Comparitively, she does well this time. The color and design are good. The sequin work on her shoulder lets the dress stand out well. I would particularly like to appreciate the fitting, as the life of a mermaid gown is in that, and also to Trisha for having a great figure to carry it off. It is very important to remember that mermaid style should be attempted only by thin-figured ladies, since it is figure hugging.

Her choice of accessories is also good. She matches them to the sequin work well.

All in all, she manages to look sexy and classy. Also, many a times people wear great styles but in the wrong situations. I'm doubly happy coz she avoided that and dressed perfectly for the event.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Nayantara - South Filmfare Awards 2008 (A+)

Did someone order a Greek Goddess straight up? Well, here's your delivery.

Awesome choice of dress - very Hollywood-esque. I love, love, love the design and fitting. The flowers give her a very feminine look while the gown gives her a sexy shade. She has sensibly kept the accessories simple to complement the dress and to let it stand out. Even her hair and makeup are good. All in all, a perfect style.

I'm only sad that I couldn't locate a full length picture coz I would love to see how this beautiful dress ends. If any of you guys have it,could you please send it to me?

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Shriya - South Filmfare Awards 2008 (D-)

You would think now that she is readying herself to become a part of Bollywood and Hollywood, she would be very careful about her dressing since every public appearance matters. But looks like Shriya is on a different plane altogether.

Horrible, horrible choice of color. Had it been two shades lighter, it could have been better but this shade clashes with her skin tone. The fugly designed belt stands out like a sore thumb in the middle of this pinkish mess. Her curls also don't go well with this look. I also loathe her watch and makeup (especially the lipstick!).

Is there anything I like about this look? NO!!!

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Hansika Motwani - South Filmfare Awards 2008 (C-)

The last time Hansika dressed more than her age, and now she dresses less than her age, or to be more clear, like a 12 year old.

The color is beautiful and it goes very well with her skin tone. But, the cut and design are very badly done. The gold design in the middle is especially horrendous. Even her accessories are very cheap looking (looks like someone went on their first trip to Charminar!).

The only good thing about this pic is her makeup and hairstyle. They are absolutely fab and deliciously perfect. But wtf is up with her nails? Is that really green nail polish?

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Allu Arjun - South Filmfare Awards 2008 (A-)

Allu Arjun keeps popping up in our list of Fashion Suspects. He is the only male star who attends various social events and tries out new fashion trends. So, we are more than happy to to review him and are especially delighted when he does well, like this time.

I like the shirt with vest thing he tried out. It was done by Navdeep previously, and while he made a mess out of it, Arjun keeps it simple and effective. The jeans also go well with the look.

The only thing that bothers me are his shoes. I'm on the fence on this one - not able to decide whether they are good or ugly. Friends, what do you think?

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Tabu - South Filmfare Awards 2008 (A-)

If wine gets better with time then Tabu gets more stylish with each passing year. From her horrendous errors in fashion to this classy and sexy lady of today, Tabu has come a long way.

Blue seems to be a popular color with ladies this season, you can see so many of them flaunting that it. Well, it suits Tabu very well. The saree is beautiful, but the blouse is what stands out most. It gives an edge and oomph to her look. It is good that the saree is simple to complement the blouse well. Even her accessories are effective and well choosen.

But, I hate her makeup as it ages her very much. But, all in all, a very successful attempt by Tabu.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Katrina Kaif - South Filmfare Awards 2008 (A-)

This gal looks like an angel normally, and when she wears a gown like that...well...

Here, Katrina looks nothing short of a goddess. The design and fitting of the dress is just perfect and the color highlights her peachy complexion even more. It is so great to see a beautiful and simple dress. I wonder when will our celebrities abandon their over-the-top fugliness and adopt such beautiful styles and colors (sigh!).

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Ram Charan Teja - South Filmfare Awards 2008 (C+)

This guy certainly has the potential to look absolutely smashing, but unfortunately he always falls short in few places and one in particular - his hair. I don't understand with all his millions why can't he get a decent haircut? He badly needs to do something about that because day-by-day he is looking more like an uncle!

Here he has choosen a simple black suit. God knows why he complicated it by adding that fugly excuse of a belt. Is it really a belt or did you borrow something from your sister's accessories collection? I think it looks like a butterfly clip...well...whatever, it is hideous and not at all masculine, so please chuck that out immediately.

Be happy that you won a Filmfare award dahling, coz you ain't winning any fashion awards in the near future.

P.S :- The first pic is at the award show and the latter is at the after party. Which one do you prefer?

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Ramya - South Filmfare Awards 2008 (A+)

Wow! Just wow!! This stylish gal can give all the leading ladies of our industry a run for their money.

Beautiful choice of color, just beautiful. It goes with her complexion very well. And I love the material, cut and design of the dress. It fits perfectly and magnificently. Ladies, especially Priyamani and Namitha, take note, this is one of the best ways to wear a dress - stylish yet classy, sexy yet decent.

But, the place where Ramya scores the most is her choice of shoes. I was bowled away to say the least. They are just perfectly contrasting and gel beautifully.

I am a little unhappy with her makeup, but I did not deduct any marks for that because she is one of the few Southies who has shown true fashion sense and certainly deserves more than an A+.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Namitha - South Filmfare Awards 2008 (D-)

She's done it again!

As I predicted last time, Namitha has gone ahead and beaten her own standard of fugliness.

What is with her and short-tight-fugly dresses? They seem to share a janam janam ka rishta (a forever bond). Here, she looks like a cross between a ghost gone haywire and a sleazy bar dancer from the 80's. And to think she went like this to the biggest award show in south!!! Jesus! Girl, for the last time, lose some weight or stop wearing these dresses!

She is time and again proving her title of 'The fugliest of our Fashion Suspects'.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Priyamani - South Filmfare Awards 2008 (D+)

What the...! Am I dreaming? I must be...wait let me check. (Pinch myself hard). Ouch! Nope am not.Then, this is true. Priyamani has finally worn a dress which doesnt make me wanna hit her. Yea!

I'm not saying this is a great dress. Infact, it hardly qualifies as ok.

Usually one cannot go wrong with the little black dress, but since this is our beloved Priyamani such facts don't apply to her. It is clear even from here that the material of the dress is cheap. On top of it the spiral design on it is downright fugly. I especially loathe the black buckle sorta thing on her bosom. As usual, her accessories are downright fugly and mis-matched. Her makeup is totally over the top (too much of blush!).

Then why did I give her a D+ instead of her usual D- you ask, well, once you look at her past record, you will know why.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Charmee - South Filmfare Awards 2008 (D-)

What is with Charmee and sarees? She seems to like wearing nothing but them. It's alright if she picks good ones but sadly, as always that is not the case.

She has picked a saree color which is very, very similar to the one she wore at MAA awards function.Then, it seemed unique and beautiful. Now, it is boring and ugly. The design of the saree just makes me wanna puke! Also, what is up with the big and bulky clutch? Clutches with heavy dresses should always be small.

The only good thing are her beautiful earrings. I gotta find out where she got them!

I'm starting to think that she falls in the one-time-wonder category. Wut say people?

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Surya and Jyothika - South Filmfare Awards 2008 (B- and D+)

Here is one of Kollywood's (Tamil cinema) most famous couples - Surya and Jyothika. Let us start with Surya, coz he's looking oh-so-cool!

I love his shirt, especially the print at the bottom. Usually guys end up looking like a complete doofus in print shirts, but Surya has managed to remain classy. The jeans also complement the shirt well.

I'm loving his chain but he loses marks because of the belt. It is unsightly.

All in all he manages to look cool and casually classy.

His wife Jyothika on the other hand looks just the opposite. You'd think some of his fashion sense would rub off on her.But no, she is determined to make the same mistakes all the married south actresses make. I don't understand why do they stop caring about their style once they are married. I mean, they are still celebrities!

Here, a nice baby doll top would look cute on her and would also hide her weight. Also dahling, throw out everything you have on right now.You can keep the clutch, though, and please jazz up your hair a bit!

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Reema Sen - South Filmfare Awards 2008 (C+)

I love the design and cut of Reema's dress. It is absolutely gorgeous. But that doesn't show much due to the color of the dress and her complexion. It fades her out and one won't be able to give it a second glance.

Her clutch ( God! Its soo fugly!) and earrings are a total mismatch for the look. Her bracelet, on the other hand is absolutely beautiful and complements the look well. I also love her hairstyle. It suits her very much.

All I can say is that be careful about the color of your clothes and be sure to choose according to your complexion.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Sangeeta - South Filmfare Awards 2008 (C-)

Even too much sugar ruins the pudding. Here, too much of a design ruins the look.

The neckline would be a lot better if it were little thinner and the work on the dress seems a little too much. The earrings and makeup are fine.

Just some minor alterations could make this dress a lot better.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Sona - South Filmfare Awards 2008 ( D-)

Sona seems to take inspiration from Namitha. How else would you explain the tight, ugly and sleazy dress?

The print and material are horrible to say the least. And the dress is so tight I'm afraid her assets will pop out any moment! If fugliness is the look she is going for then the dress and shoes match well.

Also dear, what is up with the sona (gold) around your ankle? Taking a cue from Bhumika?

The only saving grace is that the dress is not short. Thank God! We were saved from that sight!

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Laxmi Rai - South Filmfare Awards 2008 (C-)

Nice snazzy halter top, great earrings and a nice belt with a complimentary jeans. Great look honey! Going to the mall?

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Genelia (C-)

Short, figure hugging dress with a pleated skirt. This look can be immensely sexy or downright bimbo-ish. Genelia of course falls under the latter.

Flamingo pink is a hard color to work with. One ends up looking very in-your-face if not done properly. And when you use it for a tight, short dress...well...many, many, many errors are possible.

This dress makes her look like a desperate wannabe and is not at all correct for the occassion (Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na premiere). She worsens it by her choice of footwear. I'm not even sure which category to place them in. Some nice black peep-toes could have lessened this disaster.

I have posted a similar model of figure hugging, short dress with a skirt at the helm. Now don't you think that is much, much better and classier compared to what she wore?

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Hansika Motwani (D+)

Looking at this pic would you believe that this girl is 17 years old? Well, I wouldnt.

Why would she wanna dress up like this outside of a movie? No actually, why would any actress want to look like this? What is the point of a celebrity looking like plain jane?

Her dress is so normal I had to stifle a yawn while looking at it. Her hair looks so artificial I wanna check whether it is a wig.

Her choice of accessories is also a major bummer. Hoop earrings while wearing this ensemble...I don't think so.

Also, why is she wearing Mary Jane's with Indian wear? Lord o lord! Someone please go and throw this kiddo in fashion school.

P.S :- Is it just me or does she have a slight Bhagyashree look here?

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Sneha (D-)

Last time I could hear Anarkali groan in her grave, now I can hear her curse. Well, even if she isn't, allow me to take that privilege.

Okie dahling I know you are in love with Anarkali style and want to seem homely and coy, but do you have to be so in our face? In case you dont know, there is a word called subtlety. Let me introduce you to it coz you seem blissfully unaware of that.

Next time if we see you in a bling-blang fugly dress with over the top accessories and heavy makeup, well... you are going to be buried alive in a wall like your dear inspiration Anarkali.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Shriya (C+)

Well, after sinking to low depths, Shriya seems to have regained some of her original self.

I am in love with the color of the dress. It goes very well with her complexion and is a refreshing change. But, the design on the helm of the dress is absolutely hideous and sadly she has matched her accessories to that!

Also her hair is badly in need of some washing and styling. You must be wondering why I gave her a C+ after such a review...well, once you look at her last few attempts you will know

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Shruti Hassan (A-)

Wow! This girl sure took a hugeee turnabout from her punky avatar. And she is looking great!

I love her saree. Im happy there are some who understand what kind of Indian wear should be worn by young stars. Ladies, take note - wearing Indian does not necessarily mean becoming a nun. Sarees can be classy and sexy when worn like this. Others like Bhumika could do well by taking a leaf out of her book.

I'm happy with her choice of acccessories also. They are minimal and effective. But I wish her makeup were better. It is alright since it is simplistic but it seems too plain. Some defining kohl would be great.

Ah well! Next time :)

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Namitha (D-)

Is it just me or does she look like the female Dara Singh?

This girl seems hell bent on setting a new benchmark for fugliness. The dress itself is not bad. Infact, it is great. But should not be worn by such heavy figured ladies. She did the same thing last time.

I'm giving her the title of 'Most Fugliest' in our list of Fashion Suspects. Lets see, whether she is able to beat her own standard next time (wink wink)

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Shriya (D-)

These days Shriya is on fashion downhill and has hit new depths with this fugly outfit. Infact, I dont think it is an outfit at all. Seems like random pieces of clothing were thrown together.

For God sakes who wears velvet in this day and age...not even a normal girl let alone a star. The ugly design and fitting of the top make her look bloated.

One would think that she would pair up such a fugly top with a skirt but no... she went and teamed it up with a pair of blingy cropped pants. I mean WTF? Even harem pants would have been excusable but this is a complete no-no. Also, what is up with the horrible pair of shoes?

Gawd...this look definetly deserves a long term rigourous imprisonment.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Charmee (D-)

The last time Charmee wore a saree she weaved magic. I was hoping something of that sort would happen the next time also, but sadly, she has blundered majorly.

The saree is a complete horror. It ages her immensely and is not something stars should wear. It looks like it was bought in a Garden shop for 200 bucks. I was so impressed with her choice last time that this comes as a huge disappointment.

No amount of accessories can make this cheap looking saree work but somehow she has managed to worsen it by her fugly pair of earrings.

Yeesh! Lets hope she goes back to her old self ASAP.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Kamalini Mukherjee (C-)

Looks like this gal is ready to make a transition from her usual homely avatar. Such girls always need to tread carefully because they usually end up combining the two - homely and glamorous, and churn out a disaster. Something of that sort has happened here, but on a smaller range.

Her dress is fine - not bad but not great either. Such dresses can be made great through the accessories. Sadly, she has ruined it further. Her fugly necklace needs a replacement or better yet just remove it. Just add some great pair of earrings and honey, you will look great. Trust me.

Ahh...but here comes the main problem. She has worn a 'gold bracelet'!!! When Bhumika did it, it was loathsome but atleast understandable since she was wearing Indian at that time. But you honey are totally unexcusable.

Lady you need to come out of your earlier shell if you wanna step into this new one.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Shruti Hassan (B+)

This girl seems to know her way around fashion. I am loving the whole image she is setting out with her clothes. Usually, gals of her age are found in dresses or other regular fashionable wear. But Shruti seems a class apart.

She's got this very punky, slightly gothic and rockstar style which is fabulous coz she works it correctly.

Here, Shruti is performing at her rock show and is looking absolutely perfect for the occasion. I am loving the frills around her waist. They give her a feminine look. yet she retains her punky flavour with the accessories.

Very smart. Very smart, indeed! My only complaint is with her makeup. Its not definitive. Ah well! Maybe next time.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Shriya (D+)

Have you heard the phrase 'Too many cooks ruin the dish'? Well here, too many designs ruined the dress.

The designer seems confused whether to make a spaghetti strap dress or a halter neck one. So midway he decided to make both. To say the least, he concoted a disaster. And as if to honor this, he has gift wrapped a ribbon around the dress, choosing a horribly clashing color nonetheless.

Also, Shriya kindles the fire with her horrible makeup. Lady, please keep your lingerie straps in hiding. We don't need to see them. Its unclassy and downright unsightly. You are a movie star! Buckle Up!!!

But I must say I love the vertical color contrast. It is really sad because this dress could have been so much more...

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Trisha ( C-)

Here Trisha is seen walking the ramp at a Chennai fashion show wearing a green off-shoulder mermaid gown.

Leme first list out the stuff I like about her look. The color and off-shoulder style are good. The detailing on her bosom is fine but could be better if it were more minute. Also, its good that she minimized the jewelery and wore appropriate ones.

But, there is a problem with the design. A mermaid gown will look stuffy and over the top if the frills are not done properly. Here the designer has the same length frills throughout the dress. Had he/she used small frills at the knee and worked the way down with larger frills, this dress would have been gorgeous. Also, the horrible glitter on the frills should be done away with immediately. It makes the whole dress look cheap.

Trisha adds to the ruin by using an over the top clutch. It looks like many birds had to sacrifice their wings to make that. Its utterly wrong for the look. Since, a mermaid gown in itself is a statement, one should always go with a simple this case a silver one would have been good.

Well, thank god for one thing. Atleast Trisha has a great figure to carry off this gown.

P.S :- I have posted another mermaid gown designed by Oscar De La Renta, so that you can get an idea of my analysis.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Genelia (D+)

"Oh look at me. I'm so cute and peppy. Im the girl-next-door. I'm the twenty something teeny bopper!". These may not be the thoughts on Genelia's mind, but that is certainly what she is putting forth through her outfit.

Jumpsuits are a tricky business. They can looks great if done well, but one small mistake and the whole thing will blow up. That is what has happened here. Only, instead of one small mistake, Genelia made many huge ones.

First one is the horrible, horrible, horrible green frilly top. That kind of disaster should not be worn by even common women, let alone a star! Second is the disgusting belt, which doesn't go with the look at all. Her accessories are very out of place and silly looking. And lastly, a cutesy ponytail for a jumpsuit? I don't think so.

Honey, why don't you take a leaf out of Gwyneth Paltrow's book. That is how you should wear this style.You can drop in a contrasting color top if you wanna lessen the cleavage show. Coz you gotta admit, its got class, oomph and great accessories.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.