
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Charmee MAA Awards ( A+) beauty....What a pleasant image she makes!!!

After seeing hideously hideous outfits it is a veryy refreshing change to see a beautiful one.

Most of the actresses don't wear Indian clothes to functions and when they do, it is usually the heavy worked red or black colors and their variations. Here, Charmee has presented a very underrated color with light work.

Smart gal that she is, she kept the jewellery and makeup normal and simplistic to balance the loud color. Although I wish she had opted for a bracelet instead of a dozen bangles...ah're looking veryy pretty so thats forgiven :)

Ladies kindly note unless it is YOUR wedding keeping the jewellery simple and minimal while doning Indian outfits is classy.

Way to go Charmee!!! :)


Anonymous said...

u suck !!!! you should first got oa a fashion school before becoming a fashion "police', since you are commenting on others I would like to see how YOU dress mr/ms/mrs FASHION POLICE. Put up your pictures and then we will decide your rating huh

Tollywood Fashion Police said...

Hello Anonymous...

First of all thank you for taking the time to go through my blog. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion as I am to mine, and you to yours, therefore I appreciate your opinion. But, one need not be a master chef to be a food critic. It is said,

If you can, do.

If you can't, teach.

If you can't teach, become a critic.

No offense, but you seem to be missing the point that fashion policing is not about qualification, but creative writing, knowledge about fashion and most importantly passion towards it. And I have that immensely. Therefore, I consider myself qualified enough.

Also, may I suggest that you look up the meaning of the words 'comment' and 'critique'. If you dont know their difference, you will never be able to digest, let alone enjoy any kind of review.
Hope you have a good and broad-minded day!