
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Bhumika ( D-)

Oh Gawd! When will these people learn that they are celebrities attending an awards function? I mean sweety I know you are married but that is not an excuse for this look!!!

If you wanna wear Indian to an awards ceremony, pick out a beautiful saree. There are soo many of them out there. Or, if you insist on wearing a churidaar atleast get a decent one!

I cant even begin to list its faults. Wait, maybe I can...

1. Horrible , horrible, horrible color. They suck individually too and when combined they make a disaster.

2. Why in the world are you wearing a crushed Duppatta? Did no one tell you that style died before you were even born?!

3. The work on the Kurta is amateurish and too bling-blang.

4. There is no fitting to the dress watsoever. She looks bulky whereas in reality she has a quite thin figure.

5. The earrings look like they were bought in Charminar for 10 bucks.

6. The hairstyle is unspeakable. Honey, you got beautiful hair. Go have some fun with it or atleast leave it open. That style is not for stars.

7. Horror of horrors!!! Is she wearing a GOLD BANGLE? Oh Gawd! Yes she is, not one but 3(!) on both hands!!! ( Gawd I wanna cry!!!)

Well I can say one thing clearly, I have never seen a more disastrous attempt. Bhumika manages to look cheap and utterly like an average housewife attending her friend's marriage (Wait...I dont think even they would wear

Allu Arjun Jalsa Audio ( A+)

Well...well...well...look who's here. I'm happy that after that disastrous attempt at MAA awards last time, this time Arjun has stuck to the rules and basics. And the result is for everyone to see. He is looking FAB !!!

A low V-neck shirt with a nice jacket is a great look for guys nowadays and you can see many sporting them. I like the choice of his jeans too. Goes well with the look.

All in all, a clear winner from Arjun. He looks simple and classy. Lets hope he continues the trend. :)

Friday, May 30, 2008

Parvati Melton Jalsa Audio (B-)

This gal is veryyy beautiful. She has the ability to make an ordinary dress remarkable.

The simple black dress is neat and elegant and am happy that for once an actress wore an appropriate outfit without going over the top or looking like a regular maid.

I like the cut and length of the dress and the big black belt is also very trendy and highlights her thin figure.

But the purse hanging on a chain from the bracelet is an eyesore and a complete no-no. It is absolutely fugly and does not go with the look at all. Infact, I dont think that purse will go with any outfit. Parvati honey, I know you are trying to make a statement with it but it is butt ugly and I insist you chuck it in the dustbin at the first chance.

This look is badly in need of some color. A red, gold, or any other colored clutch would look absolutely fantastic.
Ladies, note, the black dress with colored clutch is an amazing look but keep the accessories minimal since the clutch makes enough statement.

Anyway, I have taken off marks for the purse, else, she looks very pretty.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mamta Mohandas MAA Awards ( D-)

It pains me to give such a pretty gal a D- , but , hellooo...somebody please go remind the dear lady that she is a movie star(!!!) and that she is at an awards function!!!

Where the hell is the makeup?

Where the hell are the accessories?

Where the hell is the hairtstyle?

And what in gawd's name is she wearing? Looks like she stitched the dress by borrowing the left over material of Spiderman's suit!!!

Cha.....the filth these celebrities wear!!!

Ileana Jalsa Audio ( B-)

This is a mixed review. While Ileana has tried out fashion trends she falls short in many places.

First the positives. The corset top is beautiful and so is her hair and makeup. A special mention about the lipstick --- keeping one's makeup minimal and enhancing one's face with a bright colored lipstick is a fabulous kudos to her for that. The bracelet thing she wore on her right hand is also very good.

Although I appreciate her for trying the corset-jeans style she has a huge disadvantage. Her HIPS!!!
She has huge hips on both sides and a corset is supposed to enhance your waist and therefore is only recommended for people with perfectly thin waists. A inch of fat and you look a million pounds heavy. Thats just what has happened here.

And also the choice of jeans for this style is all wrong. The rest of the accessories also do nothing for the outfit.

If done properly, this style can do wonders.But unfortunately, it is not for people with heavy hips like Ileana.

Still her hair and makeup are flawless and she does look pretty at the face :)

Ram Charan Jalsa Function (C-)

Ram sweety I know you are one of the hottest new things on the Tollywood block.

I know you are the son of a superstar or megastar or whatever.

I know you already had a million fans before the release of your first movie.

I know you are quite cute and handsome and have a smile to-die for.

I know you have crores and crores of bank balance.

What I dont know is why do you wanna look like a below average nerd!!!

Honey, for the love of gawdd, take your ATM, swipe out some cash and first get a decent hair cut!!! Let the gals see your adorable face .

And please keep changing your look. We have seen you in nothing but the same face since almost a year. You are young it up a bit!

Allu Arjun /NTR MAA Awards ( C+)

Well Arjun's look says school boy-meets-sporty guy-meets-groovy guy. He tried clubbing various styles and they ultimately fall flat on his cute face.
Had he tried to stick to one look he would have emerged looking quite handsome...but unfortunately he does not. And oh..there's just too much of gel on his head.

Compared to him, I like the jacket and shirt that NTR wore. Not bad, he's lost weight but seems to have gained some fashion it's still plain. He needs to spice it up a bit and get in touch with his younger self.

The marks I'm giving for Arjun are purely for atleast attempting a new style.

Guys remember, unless you are sure of the outcome please do not try'll end up looking like a doofus.

Charmee MAA Awards ( A+) beauty....What a pleasant image she makes!!!

After seeing hideously hideous outfits it is a veryy refreshing change to see a beautiful one.

Most of the actresses don't wear Indian clothes to functions and when they do, it is usually the heavy worked red or black colors and their variations. Here, Charmee has presented a very underrated color with light work.

Smart gal that she is, she kept the jewellery and makeup normal and simplistic to balance the loud color. Although I wish she had opted for a bracelet instead of a dozen bangles...ah're looking veryy pretty so thats forgiven :)

Ladies kindly note unless it is YOUR wedding keeping the jewellery simple and minimal while doning Indian outfits is classy.

Way to go Charmee!!! :)

Trisha Bujjigadu Function ( C-)

Imagine you are one of the hottest stars in South India going to a function of a movie co-starring one of the hottest young heroes and directed by the most sought after director.
What do you wear to such an event?

For future reference, certainly not what our darling Trisha wore.

I mean WTF, is she trying to hide a pregnancy with that ugly excuse for a dress or what? What is up with the big blow out near her waist.
And honey, the days of tights are over. Even if they weren't this is sooo not the way one should wear them. The accessories are not even worth mentioning.

The new gal, Sanjana, right next to her is plain looking but atleast her top and accessories are not painful to look at. She could do well with a new and more fitted jeans though.

A word of advice for you Trisha sweety, lose some pounds or atlest lose the clothes that make you look doubly fat.

Shreya at Kanthaswamy/Mallanna Function ( D-)

Okie first list out the stuff you like about the pic...

1. The cut of the dress
2. .........
3. .....
4. ...

Thats all!!! There is nothing more to this FUGLY ( fuckingly ugly) avatar.

1.The material is horrible and is made even worse by the color
2.The shoes are so cheap looking you'd think she bought it off a footpath for 100 bucks
3.The accessories are non existent and non attractive
4. The less that is said about the hairstyle the more we'll be able to keep our vomit down.

All in all a total letdown and washout.

Shreya Sivaji Function ( B+)

Okie I'm gonna start with one of my favorite actresses Shriya Saran. :)

Here is the controversial dress from Sivaji - The Boss 100 days function...

The light colored dress with the slightly darker sash is complemented well with matching dark shoes and bag. Notice that she matched the shoes and bag not to her dress but to her sash color. Very nice!

She added a bit of color through her pink earrings...kudos...and although the choice of footwear is unconventional for a dress (usually sandals are the way to go), they somehow match the dress and keep it together.

All in all full marks to Shreya for making a normally boring dress remarkable :)

P.S :- Although it is a movie function and she is the star we here at Tollywood Fashion Police feel that keeping in mind the age of the guests ( i mean she was the only young thing in a 5 mile radius!!!) she could have opted for a more appropriate dress. Still the whole hue and cry that followed was totally unnecessary...dontcha think???

Welcome to the Tollywood Fashion Department

Hello Everyone!
Welcome to the first Tollywood Fashion Police Department. We are here to review the style and fashion of our beloved Tollywood and other south Indian stars. Even the untrained eye can see that some of them could really use some regular checks. We claim to be no experts, but we do know our basic fundas right.

Here we criticise those who make blunders and applaud those who weave miracles. We would also love to hear from you --- feel free to post your opinions and comments.

Here's to a new fashionable beginning...Cheers!!!