
Monday, June 30, 2008

Nayantara (D-)

Nayantara continues her disaster adventure. Remember last time?

The white curtain, towel, scarf or watever she has wrapped around herself is downright fugly. Needs no further explanation.

But what really makes this pic horrible is her complete lack of makeup. I mean, dahling you are a star at a public function - you gotta keep up your appearance! Also her hair is absolutely horrid and she has used no accessories whatsoever ( although I doubt any kind of accessory would save this disaster).

One thing to think about though, she has the most sourly expression on her face when she's looking great and now that she is looking horrible, she is smiling. Hmmm.....something fishy...

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Shruti Hassan Verve Magazine Cover

This post comes a tad too late. The other day I incidentally found this cover and although the issue is May, 2008, I am still posting it coz I think it rocks!

Leme first give you a little intro about the gurl. Shruti Hassan, Kamal Hassan's daughter is well set to make her movie debut. She is already a rock star and has given many shows.

Here, she is the cover of Verve magazine and the it says "rocking debutante!" - well, she certainly looks like one!

I absolutely love her look and makeup - it's very edgy and punky. I especially adore her red hot strappy sandals and gladiator shoes.

She maybe a debutante but she already looks like a star. This what a magazine cover should do. It definitely makes up for Shriya's and Asin's covers. Doesn't it?

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Shriya (C-)

Shriya is definitely not upto the mark here.

The dress make her legs look very short and awkward. Although I like the color, the dress would be a lot better without the tacky long sheer sleeves.
Also what is up with her accessories. She has used fusion earthen earrings and bracelet which are not at all apt for this look.

But I must say, I am loving her back cut. It is looking very classy and sexy. Unfortunately her horrible sleeves are ruining it.

Choose better next time, Shriya.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Sneha (D+)

Looking at this outfit I can almost hear Anarkali groan in her

This hideous piece of clothing is least flattering to Sneha's curvaceous figure. One always looks slightly bulky in Anarkali, and here the long sleeves and the tacky design simply add to her weight.

She should have opted for a lighter version of Anarkali style because this one just has too much going on.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Meera Chopra (B-)

There is nothing really wrong with Meera Chopra's look. The only concern I have is with her footwear.

Time and time again I repeat that one area where most of these ladies go wrong is with the choice of footwear for dresses and totally kill the look. Ladies, please and I mean it, please do not wear chappals. You can wear strappy sandals, peep-toes, wedges, T-strap, anything...but chappals. Restrict their use to Indian wear and you will be good.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Asin Vogue Magazine July Cover (D+)

Well, first Shriya and now Asin. With the amount of exposure they are getting, our ladies have never had it so good. :)

Unfortunately for Asin, this cover is not at all good. She's got a vampy look and that is definetly not what she should be putting out for her entry in Bollywood. I know they tried the red hot chick look, but somewhere down the line it doesn't click. and she ends up looking butt ugly. Even her hair is not happening, which is sad because she has beautiful hair.

Infact, I prefer her sombre look at the launch to this. What about you?

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Asin ( C+)

Here Asin is at the Chennai launch of the July edition of Vogue magazine featuring her as the cover.

I like the color and the cut of the dress. What I don't like are the sashes hanging by her sides. What are they there for? For her to use them as wings and fly? They appear completely out of place and kill the dress.

Some nice accessories would have added to the look. Its good to go minimal on the accessories but completely avoiding them is a big no-no.

Also, it would be good if she did something with her hair. Its always in the same style and I'm sick of it. C'mon honey, you are going to be a Bollywood star now... liven it up a notch!

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Bhumika - Second Arrest!

Oh my gawwddd! She has done it again.

At a recent jewellery shop function, Bhoomika wore the exact same fugly outfit she wore at the MAA awards function (check it out here) with the same earrings and the same gold bangles!!! The only difference is her hair is now left open... and that is not difference at all.

First of all, it is a crime for these celebrities to wear the same outfit again. Still, if its a good one I can understand it, but to wear this fugly avatar again!

This lady should be hanged! No mercy at all.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Mamta Mohandas (A+)

Its nice to see our ladies wear Indian for a change and it's even nicer to see them do it so well!

I'm absolutely in love with her saree. The color and design are very modern and feminine. The spaghetti strap blouse also is very complentary to the look. Im very happy that she has choosen to let the saree stand out with minimal accessories. She looks beautiful, slim and stunning.

Actresses like Nayantara and others have donned sarees in the past. Out of these all, which is your favourite?

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Nayantara (D-)

Uh oh! Just when I was about to go and declare her queen bee of fashion she goes and does this!!!

I dunno where to begin. Should I start with her disgusting pants or her fugly belt? Or perhaps I should start with her horribleeee transparent tight top. I mean c'mon honey, if you are hell bent on wearing that shitty thing atleast put on somethihng inside! We don't need to see your assets. Yeesh!!!

Lets just try and forget this disaster as quickly as possible and hope she goes back to her fashionable ways.

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Shriya (A-)

This lady seems to be everywhere these days!

Here, her fashion sense is almost impeccable. The form fitting tank top is absolutely great. Thankfully Shriya has a great figure to carry it off. Coming to the skirt, personally, I'm not a fan of crushed material. I think there's something pauper-ish about it but it looks good on her as it matches her look. Her accessories are okay - not too great, not too bad. But she should have worn one chunky bracelet instead of two.

I have given her A- because, although she seems to have done everything, it's not quite there yet. But I must give her credit for making a hippie avatar seem angelic!

Copyright © 2008 Tollywood Fashion Police. All rights reserved.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Shriya Maxim Magazine Bikini Cover (You Rate)

The magazine cover says “Hollywood has her”. Hmm…I’m not so sure about the having part but Hollywood definetly seems to have taken a toll on her.

It looks like this cover page has been put through the wringers of Photoshop sooo many times that it seems plastic. Nothing about it seems natural, infact, I had to look twice to make sure it was indeed Shriya.

Now, coming to the inner pages of the magazine. She has shown two variations of pink and white combo.
I like the first one. It showcases her curves magnificiently and her li’l white shorts are to-die for. However, her second look makes her look like a bimbo. The ugly printed bustier makes her assets look vulgar. Still, there is a silver lining in the form of the great bracelet.
I am not providing ratings because I want you readers to that. Kindly, in your comments, tell me how much would you rate each of the beach wear.

Nayantara (A+)

Wow! This lady seems on a saree roll and is dishing out one hot look after another.

The lovely feminine pattern adds a touch of beauty to this hot avatar. Looks like she took our advice on the earrings and chose good ones this time. As always, her makeup is well done.

But dahling, why the same surly expression? Cheer up, you are leading in this fashion race!

P.S - All the young female stars listen up, if you wanna wear a saree, something on similar lines is preferable.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Priyamani (D- again!)

You know what I wanna do... I wanna tear the straps of her sandals and strangle her for wearing

If it wasn't for the glittery detail this dress could be more bearable. But she goes ahead and kills it further by wearing a dog chain around her neck.

And lastly, just when you are thinking it couldn't get worse, it does. I have said a million times, nothing kills a look more than a wrong choice of footwear.

Honey, a word of advice, try out Indian next time. Maybe that will improve your style coz these dresses dont seem to be working for you.

Nayantara ( B+)

Dahling, dun worry. You did good, well almost, but still good. So please wipe that horrible expression off your face.

The red hot saree is simple and highly effective. It is fiery and she looks like a hot mirchi!

She has sensibly avoided much jewellery although I wish she would chuck those horrible carrot like earrings. The make up with the highly defined eyes compliments the look well. Many a times, gals wear a matching red lipstick which turns the whole look hooker-ish. Thankfully, she seems to be aware of that fact.

If not for the fugly earrings and her surly expression she would have gotten an A.

Namitha (D-)

Why do these celebrities presume that wearing a tiny dress makes one look glamorous?

This hideous excuse for a dress Namitha donned is one of the most cheapest and ugly looking dresses I have ever seen.

The material is loathsome and the ill fitting makes her look more fat. People please remember, if you have fat thighs refrain from wearing short dresses. Her shoes are also a total mis-match. Her earrings are veryyy beautiful but not at allll suitable for this look.

I think she can be called as the worst dressed celebrity on our list of Fashion Suspects as she definetly beats Sheela's monstroity.
Infact, she has set a new standard for fugliness. Namitha definetly deserves a life imprisonment.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Shriya at IIFA ( C-, A+ and A+)

Shriya sure has gone a longgg way from the innocent gal of Nuvve Nuvve to the IIFA (International Indian Film Academy) red carpet at Bangkok. It's great to see our stars making their mark in national and international spheres. Now, coming to her look.

The first look is not at all right. I appreciate the color and the earrings but the cut, design and fitting are not at all good. I especially loathe the horrendous design which makes her look like a badly dressed-trying to be glamorous cheap wannabe.
The second look is perfection. There is no other word for it. Just plain perfection. She looks soo classy and beautiful. Her makeup is just amazing and the cut and make of the dress is very sexy yet classy. Now, that's a tough combination to achieve. Her hairstyle is absolutely apt for the look and her earrings are beautiful too. She looks like a Hollywood star!
The third look is also equally fantastic. The dress is soo beautiful I have no words to describe it. Her hairstyle and makeup( highly defined eyes with plain lips) are just perfect for the look and I love her earrings. I especially like her T-shaped strappy sandals. All in all this look makes her look like a goddess!

I know these looks were especially designed only beacause of IIFA but I wish our other stars would take a few tips from them.

Anyway, I have given a C- for the first look and A+ for the second and third looks. The middle one remains my favourite. What about yours???

Nayantara (A+)

I thought all our female celebrities need a lesson in fashion but, that doesn't seem necessary for Nayantara.

I like her top and her jeans is absolutely fantastic. They match reallyy well. Her makeup is perfect and thankfully not overdone with too much of Kohl ( as is usually done in fusion).

But, the area where she takes all the marks is her accessories. Usually, while trying to do fusion, people go wrong in that department. But here, she has choosen beautifully with the big chunky bracelet. It's nice that she has not loaded herself with jewellery coz this way she look clean and simple.

Anushka ( B-)

It's nice to see that our stars are opening up to formal wear. I admire Anushka for that, but I wish she had choosen it a little more carefully.

Essentially, there is nothing wrong with her dress. Only its just way too plain. If you put an ID card around her neck, she would look like an ordinary executive.
She could have jazzed up the outfit by donning a black belt or by changing the color of her skirt. Also I hate her watch. Its very grandmotherly and does not go with the look at all.

Just some minor alterations would make her look like the star she is.

Priyamani ( D-)

I try sooo hard to be good to these celebrities, but they seem hell bent on annoying me.

This disaster of a dress ( is it really a dress?) is sooooo fugly that I dont know where to begin!

Lets start with the material. I mean it looks like she tore up a piece of her mum's old saree and maid's old nightie and stitched them together. As an afterthought, another piece was torn up from the saree to make a belt and a shitty dress was successfully made. I mean I'm all for fusion but atleast learn some basics while trying it!

The only nice thing that comes to mind is her earrings. Atleast, she choose a nice pair to go with her fugly dress. How did she ever think of wearing it in public! Gawd!

Bhavana ( C-)

Sometimes one chooses the dress, accessories etc. carefully but makes a mistake while putting them together.

Bhavana's top, capris and boots look great, but, individually. Together, they just dont match.

Her top seems a tad too tight and her capris look just a bit blah. Had she teamed it up with a nice snazzy belt it would be good. But, the belt she has choosen here is worn by 50 year-old uncles and not hot, young stars. To make matters worse she went ahead and tried matching her yucky belt with a yucky watch.And still, they are of different colors and make a yucky picture.

But, the most important rule she has forgotten is 'Never wear ankle boots with capris'. They cut off a few inches of one's height and add weight to the legs. They also make one's calves look big.

Now why would anyone want to deliberately look short and fat???

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sonal Chauhan - Rainbow (A+)

Looks like Tollywood has found a new leading lady and what a fashionable one she is! I mean she looks like a star already!

The dress is veryy trendy and showcases her thin figure effectively. The big sized earrings contrast her outfit very well and are to-die for.

I'm happy that she has chosen her shoes beautifully. Usually, even while wearing a fab dress gals go wrong with the footwear. But, here they are perfect for her outfit.

The only complaint I have is with her bracelet. The make and color do not go with the rest of the outfit at all. If she could chuck that she would end up looking flawless.

It's evident that while she may be a novice to the film scene, she's an expert in the fashion department.

Rahul (C-)

This guy seems to have had a huge makeover from the sweet and innocent Tyson of Happy Days to this cool dude of Rainbow. I almost didn't recognize him at first glance. But I wish he has a style makeover now coz he needs some help in that area.

Like Allu Arjun, he has tried the jacket-t shirt combo. But, while Arjun worked wonders with it, Rahul falls short.

Maybe its the fugly comic book star looking t-shirt or the totally out of place jacket. Actually, its both. They are totally wrong together and makes him look very odd.

I like the jeans though, and the belt is also very trendy. But, they alone cannot save this disaster.

Let's hope next time he chooses better.

Nitin (C-)

I loved Nitin's look last time and was hoping he would continue the same. Sadly, he does not.

His choice of shirt for the event is absolutely wrong. Although I like the color (its nice to see guys experimenting with colors rather than the boring blacks and whites), it makes him look very stiff. A nice T-shirt would have looked fabulous on him and showed his newly acquired muscles remarkably.

But I'm happy that he has improved in the jeans department. Last time his choice of jeans was all wrong but he seems to have picked up on that. I absolutely love his jeans and belt. But they would have looked better with a nice T-shirt on top.

Well, dats alright. I'm happy that he is trying out different looks. One of these days, he'll be back to form. :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tarun (A+)

Ah, finally a guy who got his A's and B's of fashion right!

Tarun looks sweet and cool in this look. The black, cleavage-baring-open buttoned shirt looks absolutely scrumptious on him. The jeans also goes well with the look.

He takes the cake with his accessories. The choice of belt and chain are perfect and elevate the look very much.

Its also very refreshing to see him fit and healthy as opposed to his lean and ill-looking colleagues NTR and Vishnu.

Ram's choice of shirt is veryy cool. The printed look really works for him. I'm not a big fan of white jeans but they match the shirt perfectly, so no complaints.

I personally think Tarun wins the style awards among the four of them followed by Ram, NTR and Vishnu.

What do you think?

Tamanna ( C-)

Why is it that our actresses are able to wear western outfits with aplomb but make complete disasters out of Indian wear? This is a question that puzzles me very much. Infact, Indian outfits should be comparatively easier since they don't require as much color co-ordinating as their western counterparts.

Why cant they seem to pick out a decent dress from the millions of beautiful sarees, salwars, ghagras and churidaars available? This question should be analysed by scientists.

Tamanna's dress is bling blang and blah at the same time. The work and cut of the dress is way tooo regular and even boring. The color of the dress is blah. She has a very beautiful complexion and can make wonders out of the various colors. Yet, she choose this boring mustard.

The only good thing I can say about his pic is that at least she has the sense to keep the makeup and accessories minimal to balance the dress.

I wish she and others would take some tips from Charmi (check out the older posts) and choose some beautiful underrated colors.

Vishnu (D-)

I wonder what is it about the heroes these days and their obsession with becoming thin. I admit it is healthy but they should learn that looking good is not just about being thin. It involves having a personal style and attitude as well.

Sadly, our heroes do not seem to grasp that.

The narrow fitting of the jeans is not at all complimentary to him and is worsened by the odd markings. The shirt is very ill-fitting and does not do anything for him.

The shoes, ah, they are a different horror story altogether. I would love to know the name of the place where he bought them so I can warn people never to set foot there.

His look is completely mismatched, out of place and out of style.

First NTR and now, Vishnu. Both have shed excess weight but have yet to gain that all important style factor.

NTR ( D+)

Just when I thought this guy was starting to look better, he makes a complete turnabout and lands at his starting point.

Its not so much about the clothes - his shirt is good (I like the color) and even his jeans are alright.

It's about his face! He looks like he's just been ditched by his girlfriend for another man!

He really needs a GOOD haircut and regular shaving. And please for the love of Gawd, go and remove that hideous ear ring. I mean what were you thinking?!

Dear, its not enough to lose weight, you gotta build up your style to look like a star.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Asin (C+)

After the disastrous show put on by Mallika Sherawat at the Dasavataram audio release, it was a refreshing change to see a classy gal.

I know Anarkali dresses are the latest fad but one has to be very careful while selecting one because if the dress doesn't suit you, you shall end up looking big and bulky. Fortunately, this doesn't happen with Asin.

Her dress is not bad , but not great either.

The color is veryy pretty - it makes a pleasant image. The duppatta is also very good and I like the innovation of moth balls hanging at its end. But, I'm not sure the high collar suits her and the polka dotted print looks a bit much. But it's good that people are moving from the traditional Anarkali style and adopting fun innovations of the material, design, cut etc.

One should always keep the accessories and makeup simple and minimal while donning Anarkali style because the dress in itself is very heavy. Good that she followed that rule.
I wish she had also followed the rule of wearing beautiful footwear coz the design of her sandals is butt ugly!

But, all in all, she looks beautiful.

Mallika Sherawat (D-)

I wonder why this gurl refuses to look classy and chic. It's not like she cant ( have you seen Pyar Ke Side Effects?), but she just simply refuses to do so. What other conclusion would you draw when she decides to wear this number to a hyped movie audio function which includes many Indian stars and Jackie Chan?

Very few people can pull off a lace dress without looking cheap. Sadly, Mallika is not one of those. The short and tight dress has a very cabaret-ish look to it and Mallika's image adds fuel to the fire. The accessories are not even worth mentioning.

Also, I'm sick of seeing her in the same hairstyle for years. She could put her image to some fun use and shake it up a bit.

Mallika, honey, a word of advice, why dont you shock the hell out of us one day by wearing a decent classy dress?

Hema Malini (A-)

There is a gracious way to grow old and a stunted one. Hema Malini showcases the former while Jayaprada comes under the latter category.

One look at Hema Malini and you'll know why she is known as one of the most classy ladies of yesteryears. The color of her saree is very pretty and goes well with her complexion and the makeup is upto the mark. The jewellery is also very beautiful - I like that she wore a Baju Bandh (arm bracelet). Although, I'm not sure I like the choice of purse - it's too matchy-matchy and does not go well with the look.
All in all, she manages to look very classy, graceful and age appropriate.

Jayaprada, on the other hand, manages to look just the opposite. The high collar, bling blang dress with in-your-face color combo, the million bangles, all together make a disaster. She looks fat and short.

Granted, she is considered one of the most beautiful South Indian actresses, but she could do well with taking a leaf or two from Hema Malini's book.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Nitin (B+)


After seeing the recent stomach-hurling looks of other stars, Nitin's style certainly comes as a pleasant surprise.

The chocolate brown colored jacket is fab ( chocolate brown for the chocolate ). The shirt, although not very partyish, does complement the jacket well. The belt also seems well in place.

But the jeans definitely need some re-thinking.

Ah Well! We shall mercifully ignore that for the decent attempt made by Nitin works on the whole. He does look really sweet and simple doesn't he ?

P.S :- Good news gals. Seems like even after acquiring six-pack abs he still retains his sweet innocent charm. Well, looks like he's got the whole package ;)


Readers, please don't be peeved. This one post is not a fashion review.

It's a special someone's birthday today and am posting this pic here as a birthday gift.

Kindly bear with me. Please scroll down for more fashion reviews. :)

Sheela ( Anything less than D- ?)

For the first time since I started this blog, I am rendered speechless. There are absolutely no words. So I thought, sometimes silence is more powerful than speech. I'm hoping my silence will convey my horror, nauseousness, and disbelief.

I request you to kindly observe a few seconds silence in honor of the death of fashion.






Okie, maybe that was a bit over-dramatic. And I know I said I would be silent, but turns out a few words did creep into my mind.

Sheela, honey why the smug look on your face? Is it because you have achieved the dubious distinction of proudly wearing the worst dress in the history of the world? Or is it because you found a pukey colored lipstick to match your pukey colored dress? Well, whatever the reason, congratulations!

Navdeep (D-)

If imitation is the best form of flattery, then Abhishek Bachchan should be beaming right now. This look, however, is not in the least flattering to Navdeep.

All fashion fans remember the following mantra and repeat it twice a day - "Just because something is 'in' doesn't mean it's 'in' for you."

I did not like the hairband look on AB Baby either but atleast, he had long hair to carry it out. Here Navdeep's short curls and hairband are a big mismatch.

Again, like Allu Arjun, he also has tried to fix the formal meets casual look. Dun understand what is these guys obsession with that look (!), but whatever the reason it does not work , yet again. The jeans are horrible, the shirt too boring and the vest - well, we'd rather not go into that.

And the chain...well, had it been on for some other outfit, I would have liked it, but here, it looks completely out of place.

All in all, the articles of his look are as different from each other as chalk and cheese.

Wait. Maybe we should give him the benefit of doubt. Maybe he was going for the completely-out-of-place and don't-know-shit-about-fashion look. Ahh! no. People would complain I'm being rude. No,no, let's just say he was mismatched. [wink,wink...wat say Ann?? :) ]

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Nikita ( D+)

This is a really strange review. Let me tell you why.

Rarely does it happen that the hairstyle, makeup and accessories all gel perfectly together but the dress doesn't.

Her hairstyle is absolutely trendy ( curls with straight bangs are the in thing now) and the make up is well done. I absolutely love her ring. Her earrings, although an old style, go well with the look. She's got even her nails correct with the 'in' blood red nails.

But one wonders when she can make such good efforts with all the other stuff why couldn't she take some pain to search for the most important and basic item - a decent dress. This dress has a cabaret-ish look to it with the lace in the middle, the overtly tight fitting ( you can actually see her body fat straining to come out!), and the odd 70's style fabric.

Needless to say she deserved a D- but since she atleast got the other stuff right I'm mercifully giving her a D+. But people remember, one needs to work the accessories around the dress and no amount of great accessories can save you when the dress is bad.

P.S :- Gurl you are a celebrity, atleast learn how to sit in public or stop wearing short dresses! Somebody join her in a Finishing School!